Rescue Me! Tibetan Terrier Tibetan Terrier Blog

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1,346,197 animals have been adopted on Rescue Me!

Letters below were sent to founder Jeff Gold from people helped by Rescue Me!

Sender: Marisol Cardenas     Date: March 19, 2017 _
     Puppy is lucky to find his forever home. Thanks to Rescue Me!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Tibetan Terrier Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Linda Mcclung-Bruring     Date: September 3, 2016 _
     After posting Miss Sophie on Rescue Me, she has been adopted by a wonderful couple who will be able to give her the love, attention, and continued training she needs. She has brought my family much joy and I pray for her days and years ahead to be filled with happiness.

Sender: Michelle Budde     Date: December 18, 2015 _
     Only minutes after I posted my Tibetan Terrier, he was adopted. Thank you so much Rescue Me!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Tibetan Terrier Rescue

Sender: James Costello     Date: July 12, 2014 _
     I saw Murphy's picture on Rescue Me and emailed his owner to inquire about adoption/re-homing. We talked on the phone and arranged a meeting/joint interview which resulted in the final adoption of Murphy and his assimilation into our household.

Sender: Martha Alexander     Date: February 25, 2013 _
     Rescue Me! is an awesome site. I needed to find a good home for my Mom's dog after she broke her hip. I could not keep Max myself, but really could not take him to a shelter either. This was a really difficult time for me and my Mom. A friend suggested that I Google 'Tibetan Terrier' to see if there was a website. I was so happy to find the site, because if someone already knew the breed it would be easier to place Max. I had interest within 20 minutes of posting. Max found his forever home this last weekend. It is a wonderful home that I never would have found myself as it is three hours drive away!!! I am truly grateful to Rescue Me! for helping me find the perfect match for Max.

Like this story? Help us help more animals: Donate to Tibetan Terrier Rescue

Sender: Susan Couch     Date: October 22, 2012 _
     Tia has lived with our family for 10 wonderful years. My husband is now back in school and I have started working almost a full time job so we no longer had time to walk her and talk with her. We wanted to find a home where she would get the attention she was accustomed to throughout the 10 years we were together. We found that home. They have a puppy she can play with and a son who is home most days, so she will have someone to rub her tummy when she needs it. I am so glad this site exists. I would have struggled so much giving her to a shelter because of the possibility that she would be put down. Now she has a loving home!

Sender: Char Rosa     Date: September 24, 2012 _
     With the help of this site MANY animals are being adopted from a high kill shelter in Mt Vernon IL and I want to say thank you to all who have saved a life and use this site and thank you to this site for making that possible.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Tibetan Terrier Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Rodriguez Sally     Date: September 18, 2012 _
     This site is amazing! I received several emails after posting and found a wonderful home for Bowzer. I will definitely recommend this site to others wanting to place their pets in loving homes.

Sender: Linda Siemers     Date: February 6, 2012 _
     This website helped me find the perfect home for my dog. I was overwhelmed by the response and devotion to the breed and how everyone interested in adopting my dog was adopting for the right reasons and really thought about what was best for all. My decision to have my dog adopted out was very personal and very hard. When I found the appropriate new home for my dog I was overcome by emotion and relief. Thank you for this wonderful website to assist anyone needing to place a dog for adoption. It was one of the most difficult but rewarding things I have ever done. Sincerely, Linda Siemers

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Tibetan Terrier Rescue

Sender: Brandy Schilling     Date: January 11, 2012 _
     I did find Ruby a great new home. After many many inquiries about her I was able to speak with the potential adopters and get detailed information about themselves, homes, and families. After a some time I slowly narrowed it down to the best possible matches and from there made my choice. She is in the best home I could have ever imagined and dreamed for her and I know she will live a great life with them. This website is fantastic and I would recommend it to anyone I know, and if I'm ever in the unfortunate situation later in life to have to say goodbye to another beloved pet I will certainly use this website again. Thank you so much!! Brandy

Sender: Terry Temple     Date: October 1, 2011 _
     Dear Jeff, The response from Rescue Me was truly overwhelming in a terrific way. I posted Bounce because I'm in the middle of health issues and had no idea how long it would take to find the right home for my boy - if necessary. (Shelter is NOT an option for him.) The kindest people on the planet have reached out to us, and I have a good list of possible homes if need be.

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